Data Partners

Subject to the existence of an applicable legal basis, some of Your Personal Data may be shared between Dailymotion and our Data Partners.

To learn more about how this Personal Data is processed by our Data Partners, You can access their privacy policies by clicking on the links below:

Company responsible for processingPrivacy PolicyDailymotion’s Sharing Operations
Valiuz SAS
67-83 rue du Luxembourg Euralille 59000 Lille
RCS Lille Métropole 817 460 801 of Personal Data for purpose of targeted advertisement*
Digital Classifieds France, SASU, 2-8, rue des Italiens, 75009 Paris, France
RCS Paris 789 177 391
Receipt of Personal Data for purpose of targeted advertisement* Services LLC
SEATTLE,   WA   98109   USA of video and video-related data for research and development purpose**

(*) Data Partners may have information about Your centers of interest that they obtained when You used third parties’ services. For example, if you regularly purchase sporting goods, this Data Partner may deduce that You are a physically active person and consider You to have an advertising profile of a sport fan. If You agree to that, this Data Partner may share that information with us. We may use that knowledge as a criterion for selecting ads shown to You and present you advertisement for sport events, sport equipment, sport clothes or other goods or services we believe to be of interest to sport fans.

(**) Dailymotion may share information not-directly identifiable of You with selected Data Partners for further use to develop new technologies, including for training of AI systems.