Legal Notices

If you reside in a country of the European Economic Area, your service provider is:


Type of company: Société anonyme
RCS: Paris – B 483 487 112
Headquarters: 140 boulevard Malesherbes – 75017 Paris
CEO : Maxime Saada
Telephone: + 33 1 77 35 11 11
Website Host: 140 boulevard Malesherbes – 75017 Paris. Tel : + 33 1 77 35 11 11

For any questions regarding Dailymotion, please contact us.

If you reside in a country that is not part of the European Economic Area, your service provider is :


Type of company: Delaware corporation
Primary Office:  150 W 22nd Street, Floor 12, New York, NY 10011
Chairman: Maxime Saada
Telephone: + 1 646-576-6642

For any questions regarding Dailymotion, please contact us.