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Last Update: September 2nd, 2024

Dailymotion uses tracking technologies to operate the Dailymotion Service, whether accessed from the “Dailymotion Properties”, i.e. our website and applications, or through the Dailymotion’s Video Player embedded on third-party websites or applications. We do so either by using our own tracking technologies, or by  using that ofour service providers. We use trackers regardless of the type of device or operating system you access the Dailymotion Service from.

This “Cookie Policy” contains information on:

  • the first-party and third-party trackers used by Dailymotion,
  • the purposes Dailymotion uses them for,
  • the manner your consent is obtained in the territories where the use of tracking technologies is subject to your explicit consent, and
  • the means that are made available to you to manage the use of tracking technologies.

Note that third-parties who are not our service providers may also use trackers when you access the Dailymotion Service. Dailymotion does not control such third-party trackers and we invite you to consult these third-parties’ cookie policies to learn more about their use of trackers and privacy setting tools they make available to you.

The present Cookie Policy does not apply to Dailymotion Corporate Websites addressed principally to professionals of the advertising ecosystem, the press and job candidates. For further details on trackers used on Secondary Sites please refer to the applicable cookie policy.


Use of tracking technologies consists of accessing your device to read or write information. There exists various tools that can be used to do so. All of them are customary referred to as “trackers”. The most common trackers are “cookies”. Cookies are small text files stored by a web server while you are browsing a website, placed on your device (e.g. your computer) and associated to a web domain. They allow collection or receipt of technical or personal data, and in some cases, they store identifiers or other information on your device for future use. For example, when you visit a website, its editor may drop a cookie on your browser containing a unique user id. When you come back to that website, the existence of that cookie and the ID it contains allows the website to recognize you. If you access the same website using different browsers, you may have different cookies set on your device with distinct IDs. 

The word “cookie” is commonly used to refer to similar tracking technologies such as pixels, local storage or mobile IDs.  As of recent, it is often replaced by the more generic term “tracker”. Our Cookie Policy uses the terms “cookie” and “tracker” alternatively to refer to all technologies consisting of accessing end-user device to read or write information.

Note that trackers make it possible to collect data. However, not all data that they collect belongs to the category of “personal data”, meaning that some is only of technical nature and does not identify you individually.

When you access the Dailymotion Service, trackers can be either set by Dailymotion (“first-party cookies”) or by third parties (“third-party cookies”). First-party cookies may be set either directly by us or on our behalf (we are the ones controlling their use, but the tracking technology is provided by our service provider). They are set on our domains. Third-party cookies are set on domains other than ours.  

Some trackers are necessary to make a digital property (be it a website, mobile app or media player) operational. Without them, it is not possible to provide end-users with the services they choose to access (ex. watch  videos). These are referred to as “essential cookies” or “exempted cookies” as they are necessary to deliver a service requested by an end-user, and their use does not require your consent.  

On the opposite, trackers that are not necessary to deliver a service requested by an end-user are called “non-exempted cookies”. Their use requires your consent.  They are often further categorized based on their functionality (ex. analytics cookies, advertising cookies, etc.).

Some trackers are “ session cookies” that only last for as long as the site is being visited, while other trackers can have a longer lifespan, which allows information they store to persist over time.

You will find below detailed lists of trackers we use on the Dailymotion Service along with their purposes. All of these trackers have a lifespan not exceeding 13 months, regardless of the geographical availability of our Service.  

Depending on the country from which you visit the Dailymotion Service, you may have the opportunity to decide which trackers can be set on your device (except the “exempted cookies” which do not require your consent) and manage your privacy settings by accessing the Manage Cookies” page. Note that since trackers are deployed separately on each browser operating on a specific device, your privacy settings are applicable only to the browser and device used when choosing them. Therefore, if you use different devices or different browsers to access the Dailymotion Service (including when you use different browsers on the same device), you must confirm your tracker settings separately for each device/browser combination you use


1) Cookies on the Dailymotion Service

The Dailymotion Service is a video hosting platform where you can upload content and access videos associated with advertisements without being charged a fee. Both videos and ads form an integral part of the Dailymotion Service and their presence is an essential element of the services that we offer you.

Note, that as part of constant evolution of the Dailymotion Service, as of recently, Dailymotion offers users of its proprietary Video Player, a possibility to embed, on their digital properties, our Video Player in order to stream videos without associated advertising (“Enterprise Solution Video Player”). This offer is mainly addressed to entities that wish to render their videos accessible to a restraint circle of people, ex. employer using our Enterprise Solution Video Player to offer training videos to their employees.  In such case, the revenues traditionally generated by the advertisings are replaced by a fee paid by such entities. The absence of advertising within the Enterprise Solution Video Player results in the absence of advertising trackers. For a list of trackers deployed within the Enterprise Solution Video Player please refer to the table below.

Some of the trackers we use  are necessary to provide the services you and other users of the Dailymotion Service reasonably expect from us (being shown videos or ads in your language, enable you to share your own video content, etc.). They are needed to deliver our Service as described in our Terms & Conditions that complies with laws that apply to our activities.  As such, their use does not rely on your consent. These trackers are referred to as “exempted cookies”.

When you access the Dailymotion Service to watch videos, we use “exempted cookies” in order for you to be able to:

  • enjoy videos without being overflooded with ads (ads are essential part of our Service but so is content);
  • watch videos in a language that you understand and have access to service features in the language in which you use your browser (it’s a basic fact – for any video to be relevant to you, you need to understand it);
  • access videos that their owners made available in the country you are in and at the time you access our Service (videos owners control their content and their decision must be respected).

The actual trackers that you may see on your device’s browser depend on how or from where you use the Dailymotion Service (e.g. whether you visit our Service from the Dailymotion website or from a third-party website where our Video Player is embedded).

The trackers we use are deployed under the domains controlled by Dailymotion, namely “” or “”. Consequently, they are considered “first-party cookies”.

2) Dailymotion Exempted Cookies on the Dailymotion Service

Dailymotion uses first party and third-party exempted cookies. The third -party exempted cookies are used only in connection with the Comment Feature, as further described in section 4) of the present clause.

 As of the last update of this Cookie Policy, we drop the following first-party “exempted cookies”:

Tracker Name Type of Tracking TechnologyPurpose(s) Maximum Lifespan **
cookieStorage of information about your consent for the purpose of enforcement of European privacy laws6 months
v1st or v1st_dmcookieThis is your digital unique identifier on the Dailymotion Service. It is used to deliver the Dailymotion Service and in particular for: – fraud detection and prevention; – security of the Dailymotion Service; – compliance with legal obligations (ex. compliance with court orders in relation to video access); – identification of an end user’s age.13 months
Usprivacy(***)(****)cookieStorage of information about your consent for the purpose of enforcement of the US Privacy states’ data protection laws.13 months,
client_token cookieAllows proper display of a video and associated metadata for end-users accessing Dailymotion Service outside of their account, improves the latency and prevents a video from being interrupted thus providing the quality of service expected by an end-user. 10 hours 
dmvk cookieRandom video key used to prevent interruption of the video watched by an end user when navigating between different Internet service providers networks.Session cookie
ts cookieTraffic Segment cookie used principally for progressive roll-out, a critical technical functionality that prevents massive service break-down during implementation of new developments or features. 13 months  
_TEST_cookieAllows verification of browser behavior toward third party cookies Few seconds
Access_token*cookieAllows authentication of a user10 hours
Refresh_token*cookieAllows authentication of a user used to ensure account security3 months
ff*cookieFamily filter cookieSession cookie
sdx*cookieAllows authentication of a userSession cookie
sid*cookieAllows authentication of a userSession cookie
Lang*cookieStorage of your browser languagesession cookie
1stsearch*cookieAllows to show you a video available on the Dailymotion Service that you search for outside of the Dailymotion Service1 hour  
Vc(vcount)*cookieAd pressure cookie30 minutes
Had_ad_blocked*Local storageFraud detection 
dailymotion_recent_search*Local storageUsed to provide content recommendations 
__storejs__*Local storageTechnical tracker detecting browser behavior to adapt   delivered Service accordingly and prevent crashes 
followedXid*Local storageTechnical trackerstoring User interaction with the Dailymotion Service pending log-in process 
StlastLocal storageTechnical performance tracker that adapts the Dailymotion Service to the quality of internet connection 
inlined_view_idLocal storageTechnical tracker necessary for video content delivery 
dmp_currenttime Local storageTechnical tracker used to establish the exact time and necessary for implementation of time-dependent features30 seconds
dmp_subtitlesLocal StorageTechnical tracker that records user preference of subtitle language24 hours
Dmp_qualityLocal StorageTechnical tracker that records user preference of video quality settings24 hours
Dmp_volumeLocal StorageTechnical tracker that records user preference of audio quality settings24 hours
consentDatecookieThird party cookie used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the GDPR6 months
consentUUIDcookieThird party cookie used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the GDPR6 months
euconsent-v2cookieThird party cookie used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the GDPR6 months
sp_local_stateLocal storageThird party tracker used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the GDPR and of the US state privacy laws12 months
sp_non_keyed_local_stateLocal storageThird party tracker used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose enforcement of the GDPR and the US state privacy laws12 months
sp_user_consent_34227Local storageThird party tracker used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose enforcement of the GDPR and the US state privacy laws12 months
dmp_max_qualityLocal storageTechnical tracker necessary for delivery of video content in a format chosen by an end-user, records end-user decision to view video files in an eco-friendly technical format30 days
dmp_keyboard_shortcutsLocal storageTechnical tracker, records end-user decision not to use keyboard shortcuts 30 days

Present only on – absent on Dailymotion Video Player integrated on third party digital properties and on Enterprise Solution Video Player.
**The predefined lifespan may be shortened by the browser you use. Some trackers, for technical reasons, may be presented in your browser as session cookies.
***Present only on and on Dailymotion Video Player integrated on third party digital properties – absent on the Enterprise Solution Video Player.
****As of May 2024, no longer deployed.
*****As of June 2024, no longer deployed

Additionally, if you access the Dailymotion Service from within one of the US Privacy Law States, the following essential trackers are deployed to record your privacy settings as required by the applicable US state privacy laws:

Tracker NameType of Tracking TechnologyPurpose(s)Maximum Lifespan **
consentDateUsnatcookieThird party cookie used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the US state privacy laws12 months
usnatUUIDcookieThird party cookie used to store information about your privacy preferences for the purpose of enforcement of the US state privacy laws12 months

3) Non-Exempted Cookies on the Dailymotion Service

A. First Party Cookies and Third-Party Cookies Used by Dailymotion

In addition to “exempted cookies”, we use “non-exempted cookies” which are either directly set by Dailymotion (i.e. first-party cookies deployed under the domains “” or”) or through our service providers (i.e. third-party cookies), to optimize the Dailymotion Service. In the latter case, we use third-party tracking technologies for our own purposes. These third-party cookies are usually set under the domain of the service provider whose technology we use. However, in some cases, for technical reasons, we may integrate a third-party tracking technology within our system and deploy it on our own domain. 

B. Purposes of Use of Personal Data Collected by Trackers

Deployment of “non-exempted cookies” is subject to your prior consent and personal data collected by them, if any, is used for various purposes, majority of which are named based on the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) standard purposes description.

The standard IAB purposes for which we use the cookies and/or the data they collect are as follows:

  • Store and/or access information on a device
  • Use limited data to select advertising
  • Create profiles for personalized advertising
  • Use profiles to select personalized advertising
  • Create profiles to personalize conten
  • Use profiles to select personalized content
  • Measure advertising performance
  • Measure content performance
  • Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources
  • Develop and improve services
  • Use limited data to select content
  • Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors
  • Deliver and present advertising and content
  • Save and communicate privacy choices

Additionally, we may use the personal data collected by trackers to allow you to interact via social media and to share data with our affiliates, i.e. with companies that, like us, belong to the Vivendi group.

The list of purposes we process personal data for is available within our cookie banner and the “Manage Cookies” page.

C. Dailymotion Collection of Personal Data Through Non-Exempted Cookies

When Dailymotion uses its own first-party cookies to collect personal data for its own purposes, we act as a “Data Controller”. When we use third parties’ tracking technologies for our own purposes, we still act as a Data Controller and such third-parties act as our Data Processors. In other words, it is Dailymotion who determines, in both cases, the purposes and the means of personal data processing and instructs its third-party Data Processors to provide their technical assistance in doing so.

We may also jointly decide with a third-party to drop their tracker that will serve both: our purposes and those of the third-party. In such case, Dailymotion and that third-party are “Joint Data Controllers” for the deployment of the tracker. If we use data created by that tracker for a common purpose,  we will also be Joint Data Controllers of such use.  However, if the personal data collected by such third-party tracker is also used independently by that third-party (in addition to the joint use), then for that further independent use of collected information, this third party is an “Independent Data Controller”. In this scenario, each party is separately responsible for its own independent use of the data collected by a tracker the deployment of which was a joint decision.

D. List of Non-Exempted Cookies

Below you will find a list of the main “non-exempted cookies” used by Dailymotion on the Dailymotion Service. This list includes “first-party cookies” (created on or domains) as well as “third-party cookies” of our service providers that we use (created on third-party domains). Note that the list of our service providers may change over time.

Tracker  NameTracking TechnologyDomain Name and/or third-party service provider’s namePurpose(s)Lifespan*
dmxidcookiedmxleo.comAdvertising cookie10 months
dmaidcookiedailymotion.comAdvertising cookie13 months
damdcookiedailymotion.comAdvertising cookie12 months
Domain of a third party embedding Dailymotion Video Player
Advertising cookie13 months
Nielsen DARcookieNielsen ( third-party technology deployed under Nielsen domain and used by Dailymotion to measure the ads campaigns delivered on the Dailymotion Service.Length of the advertising campaign, but not longer than 125 days
mics_ltscookieMediarithmicsThird party advertising cookie deployed jointly by Dailymotion and Mediarithmics to enable better understanding of the Dailymotion Service audience for further audience segmentation.12 months
mics-uaidcookieMediarithmicsThird party advertising cookie deployed jointly by Dailymotion and Mediarithmics to enable better understanding of the Dailymotion Service audience for further audience segmentation.12 months
mics_vidcookieMediarithmicsThird party advertising cookie deployed jointly by Dailymotion and Mediarithmics to enable better understanding of the Dailymotion Service audience for further audience segmentation.12 months
chkcookieMediarithmicsThird party advertising cookie deployed jointly by Dailymotion and Mediarithmics to enable better understanding of the Dailymotion Service audience for further audience segmentation.12 months
bitocookie.bidr.ioThird party technology deployed under Beeswax domain and used by Dailymotion for targeted advertisement.13 months
bitoIsSecuredcookie.bidr.ioThird party technology deployed under Beeswax domain and used by Dailymotion for targeted advertisement.13 months (ComScore)Analytic third-party cookie deployed jointly by Dailymotion and ComScore to provide  information from a neutral third-party source regarding the use of the Dailymotion Service.  13 Months

* The predefined lifespan may be shortened by the browser you use. Some trackers, for technical reasons, may be presented in your browser as session cookies.

4) Cookies Used by Dailymotion when Providing the Comment Feature

Dailymotion Users may have an opportunity to publish comments about videos they watch. This is referred to as the “Comment Feature”. The Comment Feature is available in selected territories and only on the Dailymotion Properties (i.e. Dailymotion website and app).  Dailymotion uses the services of a third party to provide you with the Comment Feature. If you access the Dailymotion Properties from the territory where the Comment Feature is available, the following trackers will be deployed:

  1. List of Exempted Cookies:
Tracker  NameTracking TechnologyDomain NamePurpose(s)Lifespan in seconds*
access_tokencookie*.spot.imUser authentication31536000
OW_DRAFT_CONTENTLocal storage*.spot.imFixing errors during the authentication process 
SPOTIM_ACCESS_TOKENLocal storage*.spot.imUser authentication 
SPOTIM_DRAFT_MESSAGE_V2Local storage*.spot.imFixing errors during the authentication process 
session.authorization.tokenappN/AUser authentication 
session.openweb.toeknappN/AAllows persistency of an open session 
session.reported.commentsappN/AAllows persistency of an open session 
is_migratedappN/AAllows to maintain data during technical changes 
auth_tokenappN/AUser authentication 
openweb_tokenappN/AUser authentication 
  • List of Non-Exempted Cookies:
Tracker  NameTracking TechnologyDomain Name Purpose(s)Lifespan in seconds*
spotim-abcookie Analytic A/B testing cookie31536000
device_uuid_acookie*.spot.imUser identification31536000
SPOTIM_SEGMENTLocal storage*.spot.imService improvement 
SPOT_ABLocal storage*.spot.imAnalytic A/B testing 
SPOTIM_DEVICE_UUID_V2_aLocal storage*.spot.imUser identification 
SPOTIM_RECENT_EMOJILocal storage*.spot.imRecords use of emoji 
OWֹֹ_EXTERNAL_USER_IDLocal storage*.spot.imUser identification 
OW_EXTRALocal storage*.spot.imService improvement 
OW_LAST_BROADCASTLocal storage*.spot.imRecords viewed content 
OW_ON_HOLD_CONVERSATION_ACTIONLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User interaction 
SPOTIM_GUEST_DISPLAY_NAMELocal storage*.spot.imRecords User settings 
SPOTIM_EXPLORE_NUM_OF_TIMES_VISITED_MODALLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
SPOTIM_EXPLORE_HAS_POSTLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
SPOTIM_EXPLORE_DISMISS_NEW_POST_TEXTLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
SPOTIM_EXPLORE_NEW_LABEL_INITIAL_DATELocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
OW_VIEWED_SEO_CONVERSATIONLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
SPOTIM_REPORTED_COMMENTSLocal storage*.spot.imRecords reported Comments 
SPOTIM_LAST_COMMUNITY_VIEWLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
revealedRiskyCommentIdsLocal storage*.spot.imRecords Comments categories 
SPOTIM_COMMENTER_USERLocal storage*.spot.imUser identification 
SPOTIM_IS_EXPLORE_ONBOARDING_VIEWEDLocal storage*.spot.imService improvement 
SPOTIM_USER_SORTINGLocal storage*.spot.imService improvement 
SPOTIM_LOCKED_GUEST_DISPLAY_NAMELocal storage*.spot.imRecords User settings 
SPOTIM_CONVERSATION_SURVEYLocal storage*.spot.imService improvement 
COMMENTER_USERLocal storage*.spot.imRecords User behavior 
session.guest.userIdappN/AUser identification 
session.userappN/AUser identification 
user_idappN/AUser identification 
is_user_registeredappN/AUser identification 
guidappN/AUser identification 
spot_idappN/AUser identification 
unique_page_view_idappN/AVisited page ID 
migration_versionappN/AService improvement 
cashed_messageappN/AService improvement 
start_conversation_reading_timeappN/ARecords User behavior 
conversation_reading_timeappN/ARecords User behavior 
nicknameappN/AUser identification 
configappN/AService improvement 
ab_test_groupsappN/AAnalytic A/B testing 
ab_test_versionsappN/AAnalytic A/B testing 
use_white_navigation_colorappN/ARecords User settings 
reportedCommentsappN/ARecord reported Comments 
config_languageappN/ARecords User settings 


Note that when you access the Dailymotion Service, some third parties, acting independently from Dailymotion, may deploy third-party trackers on your device. These trackers are deployed under a domain different than ‘’ or ‘’ and their deployment is not controlled by us. When dropping such cookies, these third parties do not act as our service providers (unlike those described in Section II.2 above) and Dailymotion neither defines nor controls the purposes these cookies are used for.

Below you will find the main categories of third-party trackers that are likely to be dropped while you are using the Dailymotion Service.

You may find an exhaustive list of third parties that may deploy such trackers in the “Partners” tab present within the “Manage Cookies” section of our Service. This tab also gives you access to the privacy policies of these third parties and, for those participating in the Transparency and Consent Framework managed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (TCF IAB), to a list of trackers they use.

  1. Third-Party Advertising Trackers

As is commonly the case for non-public freely accessible websites, the gratuity of access to videos hosted on the Dailymotion Service is only possible thanks to the revenues generated by ads. Ads are an essential and non-dissociable part of the Dailymotion Service. A significant portion of the ad-generated revenue is shared with the owners or right holders of the videos that may be watched on the Dailymotion Service and consequently serves to finance creativity.  The rest of these revenues is used to finance and improve the Dailymotion Service and thus, finances free of charge access to content.

Companies participating in the delivery of ads (such as advertisers, advertising agencies, audience measurement companies, etc.) use trackers to deliver, adapt and measure the efficiency of advertising campaigns. Such trackers allow, for example, to record the number of views generated by a given ad displayed on the Dailymotion Service and its impact on the viewers (ex. whether an ad was clicked on or skipped). Such information notably serves to calculate the revenues owed to the participants of the advertising distribution chain (the video owners, advertising agencies, publishers who embed our Video Player, etc.) or to establish statistics.

Additionally, when we are authorized to use a cookie identifier for a web browser, we will try to match it to other companies’ cookie identifiers. This is a common practice in the digital advertising industry, often called “cookie syncing”. It enables, by recognizing a common end-user, the sharing and use of data between different companies that are involved in the buying and selling of digital ad space. In essence, it allows one company to send a digital ad request to another one that says “we have an opportunity to show an ad on to a user you know as 0123456789”. A company receiving that message may know your browsing habits and use that knowledge to decide whether or not to place an ad on our Service.

Advertising trackers are also used to gather and store information from you on your device to deduce your advertising profile (ex: your probable age range, gender, the subjects you are interested in, etc.) and consequently adapt the ads to your probable centers of interest (behavioral advertising).

Moreover, advertising trackers also serve to technically deliver ads, control the number of ads you see and avoid showing you the same ad too frequently (management of ad pressure).

  • Social Network Trackers (ex: Meta, X) and “Share” Feature Available on the Dailymotion Service

We have implemented a “Share Feature” to enable you to share videos you like with others on our Service. If you decide to use it, you may share the videos of your choice onto your social network accounts like Meta and/or X.

When you share videos on social networks, trackers are dropped by those social networks on your device. The social network trackers will likely allow social networks to identify you when you use the share feature and thereafter.

Additionally, the presence of a social network share feature can allow the social network in question to track your browsing behavior on the Dailymotion website or application, even if you did not use this feature during your visit on the Dailymotion Service. Indeed, this type of feature may allow the relevant social network to track your browsing on our Dailymotion Service, simply because your social network account is activated on your device (open session) during your visit of the Dailymotion Service, and consequently because your social network cookies are already present on your browser independently of your use of our Service.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on the Dailymotion Service nor further information pertaining to their processing of your personal data in their possession. We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks to learn about the purposes for which they use the browsing information (including advertising purposes) they may collect through these features.

When our use of trackers requires your consent, we ask for it using a feature commonly referred to as a “cookie banner” or “consent management platform” or “CMP”. The present section IV provides you with detailed information on the consent management platform operational in the European Economic Area, UK or Switzerland as well as in the other territories where the GDPR rules are indirectly applicable..

Note that the purposes and the legal bases we rely on to process your personal data differ depending on whether you visit our Service on the Dailymotion Properties, i.e. on our website ( and our mobile applications, or through the Dailymotion Video Player embedded on third-party digital properties. The “Manage Cookies” section of our Service provides further information about the purposes and legal basis we rely on. Details of our processing activities undertaken through the Dailymotion Video Player embedded on third parties’ sites or apps are available within the Site Vendor tabs under vendor “Dailymotion Video Player”. When we process your personal data on the Dailymotion Properties, we use additional purposes and, for some purposes, rely on legal basis different from the ones applicable to our processing activities undertaken through the Dailymotion Video Player. Those customized purposes are identified by symbol “D” on our CMP and information available within the Site Vendor tabs under vendor “Dailymotion SA” provides you with additional details.  

When you visit the Dailymotion Properties (i.e. the Dailymotion website and our mobile applications), we inform you about the use of trackers and ask for your consent to the use of non-exempted ones. Additionally, we inform you about the purposes your personal data may be processed for and applicable legal basis, and, depending on the legal basis we rely on, ask you to consent to it or provide you with a possibility to oppose to it when our processing relies on legitimate interest.  

Our “cookie banner” implements the Transparency & Consent Framework (“TCF”) specifications developed by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). Consequently, in addition to recording your privacy settings and providing you with information about Dailymotion’s processing operations, our “cookie banner” also does so on behalf of multiple third-party Controllers by using the IAB industry-standard purposes and descriptions. These third-party Controllers are referred to as “Vendors” or “Partners”. The Vendors that we collect consent for and provide information about may participate in the TCF or not be part of that framework. Those of our Partners who are not members of the TCF are referred to as “Non-IAB Partners” or “Non-IAB Vendors” and identified by “O” symbol.

Our “cookie banner” informs you about the identity of our Partners, i.e. the identity of third-party Controllers  who might drop trackers and collect personal data on the Dailymotion Service.  It provides information about the purposes and legal bases they rely on, and details of trackers used as these details are communicated by Partners through the TCF.  It also enables you to consent or refuse their use of non-exempted cookies and consent, refuse or oppose to their consequent processing of personal data.

When you accept all trackers and associated purposes via our “cookie banner”, your consent applies to the use of trackers and related processing of your personal data undertaken by Dailymotion and all our Partners.

Once you have made your privacy choices via the “cookie banner”, your decision is transferred by us to our TCF Partners, using the TCF-provided industry-standard format.  

For TCF Partners, you may obtain further information about their use of cookies and processing of your data in the Site Vendor tab of our consent management platform accessible either directly from the “cookie banner” of from the “Manage cookies” section of our Service.

To obtain such information about the Non IAB Partners, please refer to their respective privacy policies following the links provided in the “Partner List” accessible either directly from the “cookie banner” of from the “Manage cookies” section of our Service.

We remind you that your privacy settings apply only to the device and browser used while choosing them. If you access our Service from different devices or browsers, you need to select your privacy preferences for each device/browser used.

The Dailymotion Video Player can be embedded on third-party digital properties such as websites or mobile applications. When you visit a website, you may see our Video Player integrated directly within this website’s interface. Note, however, that our Video Player is part of the Dailymotion Service and is independent from the website on which it is embedded. An operator of the embedding website decides which videos are shown to you, but it is Dailymotion that technically operates the Video Player.

Because our Video Player is part of the Dailymotion Service, we are responsible for collecting our end-users’ privacy preferences and providing relevant information. However, when you visit websites or apps that embed the Dailymotion Player, you rarely see two cookie banners; (one deployed by the website or app and a second one deployed by us within our Video Player). It is so because Dailymotion has developed a solution called “Infopack” that saves you an experience of a double collection of consent by delegating that collection to the website or app that embeds our Video Player. The implementation and operation modalities of the Infopack are described below. 

The “Infopack” solution is only made available to publishers of third-party digital properties, i.e. websites or apps, that have implemented a “cookie banner” compliant with the IAB TCF specifications.

A “cookie banner” that is compliant with the TCF lists all the TCF partners for whom a publisher (a website or an app) collects consent and provides relevant information to. For each of these TCF partners, a publisher informs you about the purposes and the legal bases it relies on, provides details about trackers used, and enables you to consent, refuse or oppose to the corresponding processing. That information is provided by each TCF Partner directly to the IAB that centralizes it and renders it accessible to any publisher wishing to use a TCF-compliant “cookie banner”.

When a publisher lists Dailymotion among its TCF partners, that publisher will record your privacy choices for Dailymotion (consent, refusal, opposition to processing by Dailymotion) and pass your privacy settings to us. As such, you will not be shown a separate Dailymotion “cookie banner” within our Video Player. Instead, you will only see the publisher’s “cookie banner” and we will rely on the privacy choices that publisher would have collected on our behalf and passed to us.  

If you wish to consent to Dailymotion’s use of trackers and further processing of your personal data, you can either globally accept all trackers (and processing by all TCF Partners) on the publisher’s “cookie banner” (typically by clicking on “Accept All”, “I agree” or other similar text) or decide to make more granular choices and consent specifically to Dailymotion’s use of cookies and processing of your personal data (typically by clicking on “Personalize” or “See Partners’ List”).

Your privacy choices transferred to us by the publisher using the IAB’s TCF standards apply to our use of trackers and related personal data processing undertaken by the Video Player embedded on that publisher’s digital properties. If you watch videos through our Video Player on a different website or app, we will apply your privacy choices recorded while you interacted with that other website’s or app’s “cookie banner”.  We understand that your privacy settings may be different depending on a website or app used and respect them.

On rare occasion we might not be able to rely on the embedding digital properties to collect consent for us. It is in particular the case when publishers do not use the IAB TCF standards. In such event, we use our own “cookie banner” integrated directly within our Video Player to record your privacy settings. Because a website or app that integrates our Player might also use trackers and thus need to collect your consent, two distinct “cookie banners” are shown to you, the first one by our Video Player, the second one by the embedding website or app.

Your choices recorded through our in-Player “cookie banner” apply only to the use of trackers and processing of your personal data in relation with your use of the Dailymotion Service. They do not apply to processing operations in relation  to your use of any other part of the website or app that embeds our Video Player. If you wish to accept or refuse the use of trackers and processing of your personal data by the embedding website or app, you need to express your choices through its “cookie banner”.


Depending on the country you visit the Dailymotion Service from, you may set your privacy preferences using one or more of the methods listed below. 

1) Setting Privacy Preferences on the Dailymotion Service

If you access the Dailymotion Service (i.e. the Dailymotion websites or application, as well as the embedded Dailymotion Video Player) from a country that is part of the European Economic Area, UK or Switzerland or from within other territory where the GDPR rules apply, our “cookie banner” allows you to exercise your right to:

  • consent to or refuse the use of “non-exempted cookies”, and
  • consent to or refuse the processing of personal data when such processing relies on your consent, and
  • oppose to the processing of your personal data, when such processing relies on legitimate interest and there are no prevailing interests justifying continuation of such processing.

You may make different choices through our “cookie banner”:

  • By clicking the “Accept” button within the “cookie banner”, you accept the use of all trackers dropped by Dailymotion or its Partners (TCF and non-TCF Partners) and the processing of your personal data for all of the listed purposes.  
  • By clicking the “Personalize” button, you will be redirected to our “Consent Management” page with detailed  information and a list of our Partners that may use trackers and process personal data on the Dailymotion Service. The Consent Management page enables you to either accept or refuse consent for all listed purposes and all listed Partners or make granular choices. It means that you may choose to either allow or refuse processing for all purposes and Partners or allow processing for certain purposes and/or by certain Partners while refusing the others. If you want to personalize your privacy settings, you may do so on a purpose-by-purpose basis and, additionally (i.e. once you expressed your choices on a purpose-by-purposes  basis), make more granular choices for each of the Partners listed in the Site Vendor tab. You may also oppose to the processing purposes which rely on the legitimate interest, by using the “Opt out” toggle associated to each such purpose and present in the applicable Purposes tab. If you only want to oppose to processing relying on legitimate interest for selected Vendors, use the ‘Opt-Out” toggle present in applicable Site Vendors tab. Your choices expressed on a purpose-by-purpose basis apply to Dailymotion and all of our Partners (both IAB and non-IAB Vendors). Your choices expressed on a partner-by-partner basis apply only to the Partners that you have selected. By clicking on “Save Changes” your choices will be saved and communicated to us.
  • By clicking on “Continue without accepting” or “Decline All”, the banner will disappear, and we will not set any “non-exempted cookies” on your device nor process your personal data when such processing relies on consent.  

As a reminder, you cannot refuse “exempted cookies” which are necessary for the Dailymotion Service to operate, as mentioned in Section II.1.  Consequently, you will see “exempted cookies” on your browser regardless of the privacy settings you make. Note also that your refusal prevents deployment of new cookies but does not delete the already existing ones. They will no longer be used but they will remain on your device until you delete them, or until they reach their expiry date.

You may change your privacy preferences at any time via the consent management page accessible at all times from the footer of the Dailymotion website through the “Manage Cookies” link or within the settings of our applications or our Video Player embedded on third party websites.  

Please note that depending on the country you visit us from, the options listed above might not be available to you. In such a case, we advise you to refer to the procedures described in Sections V.2 and V.3. below to set your tracker preferences.  

When our Video Player is embedded on third party digital properties, as explained in section IV.2.a., in the EEA countries, UK or Switzerland, it is usually the publisher of such property that informs you about the use of trackers and personal data, and that asks for your consent, including on behalf of their partners, such as Dailymotion.

When Dailymotion relies on the publisher for obtaining your consent, it is that publisher’s own consent collection mechanism that allows you to:

  • consent to or refuse our use of “non-exempted cookies”, and
  • consent to or refuse our processing of your personal data when such processing relies on your consent, and
  • oppose to our processing of your personal data when such processing relies on legitimate interest and there are no prevailing interests justifying continuation of such processing.

If you consent to the use of trackers and processing of your personal data, the publisher will inform us about your choice and Dailymotion will set the “non-exempted cookies” and process your personal data accordingly.

In the absence of your consent, the publisher will also inform us about your choice, and we will refrain from using “non-exempted cookies” and limit processing of your personal data accordingly.

As a reminder, you cannot refuse “exempted cookies” which are necessary for our Service to operate.  Consequently, you will continue to see Dailymotion’s “exempted cookies” on your browser regardless of the privacy settings you choose. You will also continue to see trackers that might have been deployed before your refusal. They will no longer be used by us, but they will remain on your device until you delete them, or until they reach their expiry date.  

Note that you may change your privacy preferences at any time through the publisher’s own consent management tool.  

2) Setting Privacy Preferences outside of the Dailymotion Service

If you reside outside of the UK, Switzerland and the EEA or if you wish to use other methods than those described above, the following cookie preferences options are available to you.

a) Setting Privacy Preferences Using your Browser Feature

All browsers have features allowing you to: 

  • get information about the trackers saved on your device; 
  • accept or refuse them, either on a case-by-case basis or outright. 

The configuration of each browser is different. We suggest you consult the help menu of your browser to learn how to personalize its privacy settings.   

If you accept trackers within your browser settings, trackers will be integrated into the pages and content you have viewed and may be temporarily stored in a dedicated location on your device.

Refusing trackers can be achieved through different browser settings. Depending on the settings used, such refusal may impact the functioning of the Dailymotion Service you wish to access. 

  • How to manage and/or delete trackers according to the browser you use?  

At any time, you may view the privacy management settings used by your browser and delete any trackers it has stored. To make your search easier, please find below a list of direct links for each of the main browsers in use: 

You may also access this website for a very detailed step-by-step process on how to disable cookies from each of the main browsers, as listed above.  

Similarly, the French data protection authority – CNIL – provides on its website (in French only) information about trackers and describes several options for setting and deleting trackers stored on your device.  

Note that configurations are different on your cell phone or tablet: 

  • How to prevent tracking via the ‘Do Not Track’ option?  

You may configure the browser on your device to send a signal informing websites that you do not wish to be tracked. This option is often called “Do Not Track” and can be accessed from the following links for the main browsers listed below: 

However, we draw your attention to the fact that it cannot be guaranteed that this choice will always be acted on by companies receiving it. Therefore, on its own, this option does not represent an efficient solution for refusing all trackers. 

b) Setting Privacy Preferences through Professional Platforms

The European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), a group of advertising professionals, has developed a tool allowing you to accept or refuse trackers used by companies participating in that EDAA initiative. Note that this initiative is designed for the advertising sector only. Companies that do not participate in it will not receive any information about your decision regarding trackers and consequently may continue to use them. Therefore, used on its own, this option does not represent an efficient solution for refusing all trackers. To consult the list of participants and set your choices, please visit the EDAA platform available at